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Lawn Restoration

This is What We’re All About!

Maintaining a lawn takes dedication and hard work. Have you ever noticed the people who have the best-looking lawns are either outside working in their lawn constantly, or they have professional landscapers doing the hard work for them? You can hire E.S.P. Services to do this hard work for you, and you may be surprised at how shockingly affordable it is to have our professional, and dedicated staff create, and maintain your oasis of a lawn for you. We offer a straightforward pricing menu that is based on the size of your lawn, and the services ordered, with no gimmicks and no surprise fees. With E.S.P Services what you see is what you get!

Why Choose Us

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should hire us!

Professional service and excellent communication.


No matter how busy we are we will schedule and complete your job within one week of bid approval

Honest pricing

Straight forward pricing! The size of your lawn, and the services ordered equals the price for the job.


We know what we’re doing. Over 12,700 lawns serviced!


Aeration is the process of removing plugs of soil from your lawn, which creates space for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil. This process will:
Aeration will deepen your lawn’s root system so that your lawn will have a greater resistance to disease, insect, drought, and heat stress. Aeration is also essential to reduce thatch problems. Thatch is that tough layer of dead organic matter between the lawn and the soil. Aeration should be performed in the spring and / or fall (at least once per year!). We recommend you fertilize and overseed your lawn after aerating because this is the perfect time to allow fertilizer and seeds to infiltrate deep into the soil where they will germinate more effectively.


Thatch accumulates in your lawn when moss, dead roots, decomposing grass, and other debris is not removed. Even a lawn that appears to be green on the top layer can be full of thatch beneath that surface of green. As thatch and moss accumulate, it prevents water, nutrients, sunlight, and air from reaching the roots of the grass. As this occurs, the grass literally suffocates and is starved, which causes an unhealthy condition that will completely kill your lawn, especially in the pacific northwest where moss growth thrives during the winter months.
Removing thatch and moss increases the amount of water and nutrients that are available for your lawn to consume, which will enhance your lawn’s resistance to disease, and promote a lush, green lawn. Dethatching your lawn is even more effective when it is combined with some of our other services, such as aerating, and Overseeding.

Rake and Bag & Haul Away

This is the hardest part of the job! Once we dethatch your lawn, we can also rake and bag the moss and thatch debris that the dethatching machine pulled up from your lawn. This step is the most difficult and time consuming because we will often fill up five to ten bags of very heavy debris for every 1,000 sq ft of lawn that is dethatched. These bags can often weigh as much as 75 pounds. We rake the debris into piles, and then bag the debris into large recyclable yard waste bags. We can then leave the bags for your to dispose of, or you can pay us to haul the bags away and dump them for you.


To maintain a healthy lawn year-round we recommend fertilizer is applied to your lawn each season. It is especially important to apply starter fertilizer on newly seeded lawns. Our organic fertilizer blend provides your lawn with the nutrients that are needed to keep your lawn healthy and green, while controlling weeds

Moss Killer

Our unique blend includes ferrous sulphate, dichlorphen, and iron to kill moss dead. Thatching works to get out the majority of the moss, but it will rarely remove all of it. When we apply moss killer after thatching and / or aerating, a more complete moss kill will occur. By applying moss killer after removing thatch with our dethatching machine, the existing moss and thatch is now thin enough to allow the moss killer to better penetrate the soil to kill off the remaining moss.


Overseeding is the practice of spreading grass seed on an existing lawn with the goal of increasing the thickness of the turf. Overseeding is recommended for lawns that have bare spots and for lawns that have just been thatched or aerated. The benefits to overseeding are numerous, and will offer your lawn the following benefits:
Through the years, we have experimented with many different forms of seeding, including hydroseeding with a machine that sprays out seed that is mixed with water and mulch, but this didn’t work well on existing lawns because the seed would often “not take” and would lead to disappointment. Hydroseeding works better when creating a brand new lawn, but not for lawn renovation work. We also tried applying seeds with a slice seeder, which is a machine that slices into the soil and drops seed into those slices. This seemed like it would be great, but the seeds only germinated well where the soil was penetrated. What works best, hands down, by far, is to apply a very generous amount of our high-quality grass seed to a lawn that has been dethatched and aerated. Then, for an optional result, (optional service) apply our Premium Top Dressing (soil conditioner, topsoil, mulch / peat moss) on top of the seed to protect and nourish the seed during the germination process.

Premium Top Dressing Solution

Premium Top Dress Solution is a product that includes soil conditioner, topsoil, mulch / peat moss that will promote seed germination and lead to a healthy lawn. It will accelerate the development of soil that has been depleted of organic matter, low nutrient levels, and limited biological activity. This product provides an abundant source of organic matter and soil building components to assist in quickly modifying soil chemistry, and initiate growth. It works best when combined with topsoil, mulch, and peat moss, as these ingredients provide additional nutrients. Additionally, the application of Premium Top Dress Solution, will protect the seed from wind, rain, and hungry birds during the germination process.

Bark or Mulch

The addition of bark or mulch in your planting beds is the one thing that can really make your yard “pop!” ! Just take a look at the pictures of some of the jobs that we recently added bark or mulch to. Not only do their lawns look incredible after we performed full lawn renovation services on them, but the final touch was the addition of mulch and bark The difference between the two is simple: bark looks better for a longer period of time and is more decorative than mulch. The mulch will look great at first, however, because it is full of nutrients that can cause the plants in your garden beds to stay happy and healthy, plant nourishment, as opposed to beauty, is its primary purpose.

Renovate Your Lawn Today

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your lawn will be restored by using our services.